By Lee Hui Chieh & Chong Chee Kin
Sunday, November 19 2006.
The Sunday Times Page 12.

This is an unfortunate incident.
To quote the newspaper article, pythons are "generally defensive by nature and usually feed on small creatures like birds or rodents (especially rats). They tend not to attack humans, unless they feel threatened".
This is how a local python species (Reticulated Python) looks like. Call 999 the next time you feel threatened by one. Provide the right details (name of the snake) so that the police officers can bring along the appropriate tools.
I'm not particularly fond of snakes, though I like wildlife in general. However, this blog has made me develop an interest in these creatures. Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos.
The issue of the poor dog getting squeezed to death was indeed unfortunate. I sympathize with the dog and its owner, but I hope the people will understand that it is the python's nature to do that. The pet owner should have been more observant when walking the dog in those areas. It's not as though snake-sightings in SG is unheard of. (Well, if they are ignorant, they should come to this blog).
Please continue your efforts on this blog!
Just out of interest, what do the police do with snakes that everyone is getting them to take away?
Am I being unkind in suspecting that in the case of run-of-the-mill types like house snakes and cobras, they are killed?
Sincerly hope not. Just wondering.
The Singapore Police will send the snakes to the Singapore Zoo, that is if the officers are able to catch them alive (and not dead).
Hey, this is an interesting and educational article. Can all login and posted on for sharing?
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Do not report police if you see a snake. the snakes will be send to the zoo and later bought by a 3rd party to sell for its meat and skin.
Its a very wrong concept to report to police actually.
Source given by singapore zoo ex keeper.
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