Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Snake-Charmed Life in Singapore

Michael Richardson wrote the article "A Snake-Charmed Life in Singapore" in International Herald Tribute on 07 Jan 1997.

The article might be old, but I think it is still good enough to share with you. N. Sivasothi of Habitatnews has kindly uploaded a pdf file of the article on his website.

Richardson was charmed by the snakes in Singapore. I am charmed by him, especially his change of perspective towards snakes.

Some interesting extracts from the article:

" As a boy who spent time on farms in Australia, I was taught that the best snake is a dead one."

" So when I arrived in Singapore — a small island-state where nearly all of the original tropical. jungle has been replaced by apartment and office blocks, factories, highways and manicured parks and gardens — I did not expect any further problems with snakes."

"I have lately discovered that one of the reasons Singaporeans are disinclined to rent such places (old British military quarters) — apart from their reputation as being haunted — is the prevalence of snakes."

" But it is hard to feel so affectionate about the snakes that seek sanctuary in the park where we live."

" I never try to harm these snakes as none of them is aggressive or seriously venomous."

"The snake was fully exposed on a bare embankment — a relatively easy target for my stick. But instead of striking, I hesitated, mesmerized by its slow, sinuous movement."
"It was true that I was still recovering from food poisoning. But that was only part of the truth."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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