Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Four Whips In A Day!

During a late afternoon on 8 September 2007, Chan Kwok Wai found not one, not two, not three, but FOUR Oriental Whip Snakes (Ahaetulla prasina)!!!! One of the snakes was sighted at eye level, while the rest were encountered at the tree canopies. The green colour and long body length of this species, are perhaps adaptations for life at the canopy, since the former provides the snake with a good camouflage against aerial predators and the latter allows the snake to move from canopy to canopy.

From what I know, the Oriental Whip Snake is a popular pet. By disclosing the microhabitat of this snake, I fear that it will become easy target for potential poachers. Thus I would like to urge people to refrain from collecting this snake. I hope that information on the habit of this snake will instead allow us to understand its needs and eventually lead to better management of our few remaining forests.

More on this species here.


  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    could you tell me where you found these snakes please

  2. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I would like 2 catch 1 of these snakes
    i really like snakes alot and i have looking 4 1 of these for many years
    so could u tell me where u saw these beautiful snakes

  3. If you read the post, it is clear that we do not advocate the collection of snakes for personal enjoyment. If you love snakes, it will be great if you can learn to appreciate them in their natural habitat instead of keeping them in captivity. Thanksss.

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I like what you are doing here. I had collected a snake from the wild in my country (USA) and I've felt absolutely horrible about it ever since, and would never do such a thing again.

    He has got along fine, and was taken legally with all the necessary permits, but if i had to do it all over again I never would have restricted his freedom.

    Now I just take a picture, appreciate them, and move on.

  5. Anonymous12:51 AM

    gosh what a seriously misguided person mr anonymous is.. and he doesn't even leave a name so we can further counsel him ..
    he's definitely obessed about the snake to think of it from 11:55 pm to 12:18 am

  6. Anonymous10:46 PM

    視訊交友網 080視訊聊天室 ※免費視訊聊天室※ ※免費視訊聊天室※ 視訊聊天室 成人影音視訊聊天室 ut影音視訊聊天室 ※免費視訊聊天室※ 視訊ukiss聊天室視訊ukiss聊天室 視訊交友90739 視訊交友90739 情人視訊網 168視訊美女 168視訊美女 168視訊美女 視訊美女館 視訊美女館 免費視訊美女網 小高聊天室 小高聊天室 aio交友聊天室 aio交友聊天室 交友聊天室 交友聊天室 線上a片 線上a片 線上a片 線上a片 線上a片 免費線上a片 免費線上a片 嘟嘟成人網站 成人漫畫 情色文學 嘟嘟成人網 成人貼圖區 情色文學成人小說 微風成人區 情色貼圖區 免費視訊聊天 免費成人圖片區 愛情公寓 愛情公寓聊天室 寄情築園小遊戲 免費aa片線上看 aa片免費看 情色SXE聊天室 SEX情色遊戲 色情A片 免費下載 av女優 俱樂部 情色論壇 辣妹視訊 情色貼圖網 免費色情 聊天室 情人視訊聊天室 免費a片成人影城 免費a片-aa片免費看 0204貼圖區 SEX情色 交友聊天-線上免費 女優天堂 成人交友網 成人情色貼圖區 18禁 -女優王國 080視訊美女聊天室 080視訊聊天室 視訊交友90739 免費a片 aio 視訊交友網 成人影城-免費a片※免費視訊聊天※85cc免費影片日本線上免費a片 免費色咪咪影片免費色咪咪影片aaa片免費看影片aaa片免費看成人影城情人視訊高雄網sex520免費影片080聊天室080聊天室aa的滿18歲影片免費av18禁影片免費av18禁影片免費av18禁影片aa的滿18歲影片聊天室ut愛情公寓尋夢園聊天室視訊交友網免費av18禁影片av女優

  7. I have always been fascinated by the whip snakes. This was a great post. Love the pics. What a brilliant green! Come visit me as well if you get the chance! Take care,

  8. Hi.. Wow u did a great job in teaching people about snakes over here mann.. anyway, Do u always goes out looking for these snakes?? Can you tell me more about what u r doing with all these creatures? I would love to join if i have the chance... I'm currently looking for people who carry on these activities on weekends..
    ~Hope to hear from u soon..

    Seaturtle & Snakes Lover

  9. Whoa I've caught a junvenile green whip snake before, btw I'm Singaporean, and it's cute but it freaked the hell outta my mum so I freed it.

  10. HI there, I am very much interested to visit the snake water-lands. I want to see the snakes. It will be really good adventure for me. Please suggest me some ideas to visit there.


  11. We have a lot of the same and similar species of snakes as you do there in Singapore. We are in Thailand and Snakes here include reticulated python, Ahaetulla (the whip snakes), Lycodon genus (wolf snakes), and others you have. If you don't mind we can share information sometime.

  12. These snakes are so scary... and the green one is very dangerous..

    MCX Intraday Tips

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