Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cobra In Mangroves

Yang Shufen found this Equatorial Spitting Cobra (Black Spitting Cobra; Naja Sumatrana) near a mangrove at the southwest of Singapore Island on 13 September 2007. The following photographs were contributed by her.

Sivasothi encountered the same species (pictured below) in the mangroves of Sungei Mandai on 23 December 2005.

In Singapore, this species is frequently sighted in urban areas, but seems to be common in mangroves during low tides as well.


  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    視訊交友網 080視訊聊天室 ※免費視訊聊天室※ ※免費視訊聊天室※ 視訊聊天室 成人影音視訊聊天室 ut影音視訊聊天室 ※免費視訊聊天室※ 視訊ukiss聊天室視訊ukiss聊天室 視訊交友90739 視訊交友90739 情人視訊網 168視訊美女 168視訊美女 168視訊美女 視訊美女館 視訊美女館 免費視訊美女網 小高聊天室 小高聊天室 aio交友聊天室 aio交友聊天室 交友聊天室 交友聊天室 線上a片 線上a片 線上a片 線上a片 線上a片 免費線上a片 免費線上a片 嘟嘟成人網站 成人漫畫 情色文學 嘟嘟成人網 成人貼圖區 情色文學成人小說 微風成人區 情色貼圖區 免費視訊聊天 免費成人圖片區 愛情公寓 愛情公寓聊天室 寄情築園小遊戲 免費aa片線上看 aa片免費看 情色SXE聊天室 SEX情色遊戲 色情A片 免費下載 av女優 俱樂部 情色論壇 辣妹視訊 情色貼圖網 免費色情 聊天室 情人視訊聊天室 免費a片成人影城 免費a片-aa片免費看 0204貼圖區 SEX情色 交友聊天-線上免費 女優天堂 成人交友網 成人情色貼圖區 18禁 -女優王國 080視訊美女聊天室 080視訊聊天室 視訊交友90739 免費a片 aio 視訊交友網 成人影城-免費a片※免費視訊聊天※85cc免費影片日本線上免費a片 免費色咪咪影片免費色咪咪影片aaa片免費看影片aaa片免費看成人影城情人視訊高雄網sex520免費影片080聊天室080聊天室aa的滿18歲影片免費av18禁影片免費av18禁影片免費av18禁影片aa的滿18歲影片聊天室ut愛情公寓尋夢園聊天室視訊交友網免費av18禁影片av女優

  2. haha i think ur comments section got spam!

    anyway i think i spotted a black spitting cobra in the grass patch near my workplace!
    but it slithered away before I can get good look at it..
    the scales were black and seemed slightly matt. its about a metre long. but I can't c the head clearly as it was in the grass.. but I think it shld be this snake.. so cool I spotted a 2m long oriental green whip perched on a tree in the same area before.

  3. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I use to have a snake named pickachoo the python. I use to love that little guy. I shouldn't say little he was huge. But then one day I was high on LSD and I chopped that huge guy up. Just because I was on some stupid drug and now Pickachoo is gone. Please forgive me pickachoo.

  4. wow Cobra
    very dangerous and big snake
    Reptile heating

  5. read this article, i get many information about cobra. but, when i read the comments, really I feel confuse... :)
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