Thursday, April 27, 2006

SLOG: The birth of a long journey of hard work + fun

SLOG is the online documentation of snake sightings in Singapore.

Most snakes sit at the top of food chains, and thus are good indicators of the health of a habitat. Unfortunately, snakes are shy creatures, and are rarely encountered. As a result, we do not know much about the natural history of our snakes in Singapore. Every bit of information (e.g. distribution, habitat utilisation, food habits, reproduction, population ecology) helps to save the snakes and their habitat.

"We only save what we love, and only love what we know"

All snakes received bad publicity, even if they are totally harmless. SLOG hopes to encourage the appreciation of these animals and dismiss the myth that they are all mindless beasts with long fangs chasing after people and eat them.

1. Shoot (with a camera)
2. Record observations
3. Send photographs, observations, and location to


Ria Tan said...

Bravo! I'm so glad you've started a blog on our wonderful wild snakes. They are beautiful and marvellous and we should respect and love them.

Will contribute whatever I can to your wonderful effort!

Jinghui said...

Greetings to an old friend, keep up the good work you are doing here. I will support you by reading your work and taking photographs of snakes when I have the opportunities !

Anonymous said...

Want you to know you got a great blog. Didnt know much about snakes till I came in. Thank! for all the infor. BTW do you conduct snake sighting tours? or can we tag along with you the next time?. Tks

Anonymous said...

Hi, just to report a sighting. My wife and her visiting sister were lucky enough to see (and video tape) a Twin banded tree snake (Chrysopelea pelias) on a wooden board walk somewhere along the Mc Ritchie reservoir. Wonderful creature, approximately 50 cm long. Although it wasnt agressive, it curled its neck when they went too close - enough warning for them to make a big circle around (and it looked more scary than it probably is - red colour and all)

Best regards

Anonymous said...

to follow up on the twin banded sighting...

The snake was observed on the 6th of February, around noon.


PS! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

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