Sunday, July 08, 2007

Banded Krait Graced Launch Of Chek Jawa Wetlands

This Banded Krait (Bungarus fasciatus), photographed by Loh Kok Sheng and posted in his blog, made a pleasantly surprised appearance at the launch of the Chek Jawa Wetlands on the morning of 7 July 2007.

Norman Lim encountered this snake last year, also along a muddy shore, but on another northern island of Singapore. This 'common occurence' of banded kraits in aquatic habitats are unusual because these are known to be terrestrial snakes. Maybe we just do not know much about them.

It is common that people misidentified the Banded Krait as the Yellow-lipped Sea Krait (pictured above). Both species belong to the same family of Elapidae (a group of venomous snakes including cobras, old-world coral snakes and true sea snakes). However, kraits belong to the genus Bungarus while sea kraits belong to the genus Laticauda. Although both snakes have the black-and-white bands along their body, the Banded Krait lacks the paddle-shaped tail tip that its cousin Yellow-lipped Sea Krait possesses. This tail shape allows the sea krait to swim more efficiently in the open sea.

Tails of Banded Krait (above) and Yellow-lipped Sea Krait (below).

* All photographs by Loh Kok Sheng and Ria Tan.


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    this is an excellent site...why not expand the photos and information to include all snakes in singapore? great for travelers and good stuff for homeschoolers. i wanted to check for types of snakes and where they will find me when i visit singapore.
    thanks for the good job.

  2. Anonymous10:50 PM

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  3. I introduce hi Fajar of Indonesia, I like your blog, can tell you tricks to make a beautiful block. please help

  4. The banded krait is one that I have still not found here in Southern Thailand! I hope to find it soon, as it is supposed to be common throughout its range - the entire country of Thailand. It must be here somewhere, but I have looked hard. Would you have any tips for finding the elusive banded krait snake in the wild?
