Monday, June 04, 2007

Snakes & Ladders

938LIVE (93.8 FM) The Living Room

Details from the radio station's web page:

Tuesday, 5th June
10am to 10.30am

Snakes & Ladders
They stick their forked tongues out to smell the air. They are able to consume prey that’s three times larger than the diameter of their heads. They also survive in just about every habitat, including underwater. Have we given you goosebumps yet? We’re talking snakes this half hour. There are more than 60 species of snakes in Singapore so which are the potentially dangerous ones? What are some common myths and misconceptions that surround snakes and their behaviour? Are cobras and pythons the most venomous of the lot? What are flying snakes, crab-eating snakes and whipsnakes and where are they found? What’s the first thing you should do, in the event that you get bitten by a snake? Snake enthusiast Chim Chee Kong joins us to allay your fears of this often misunderstood reptile.


  1. Anonymous12:24 AM

    wah ck! u super busy man! tml won't be able to hear 93.8. will be out digging in sungei buloh for bivalves. will try to go for your talk at tampines library!


  2. Anonymous10:53 PM

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